Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bone Marrow Transplant

About 4 months ago I started having problems with my medication. My levels were great (0.02) basically remission, but I started to have numbness and tingling in my legs, feet and hands. After a couple of weeks of this I checked with Dr. Druker and sure enough, it was a known side effect of Sprycel and if I didn't stop taking Sprycel, this numbness and tingling with be permanent. In May of this year, we started the 3rd medicine for this type of leukemia called Tasigna. All I can say about Tasigna is that its the 3rd medicine for a reason. bad side effects (bone aches, tired) and the medicine itself is very sensitive. After about two months of this, we decided it was time to get serious about Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT). We've gone through the initial testing in Nov 2010. Unfortunately, My older brother Joel was not a match and my other brother Jeff has MS so he was not even tested. The good new was they found close to 10 people in the donor bank that were a perfect match. Because of that, my age, and the Leukemia being at a low level, BMT is the best choice for me. I will start the process for BMT on September 13. The actual transplant will be October 7th. From here on out I will be blogging a lot more....