Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 100

Last couple of weeks Ty has been doing the count down for Dad's big Day 100.
Tomorrow (Jan 15, 2012) is Day 100. I'm not sure if we've mentioned before how significant this Day 100 is.

Bone marrow transplant (from non related donor) has a 10-15% mortality, 15-30% sever GVHD, 60% acute GVHD. This was the reason we were scared of having this procedure done. The chance of getting rid of leukemia was over 90% in Jason's case, but it was still a high risk. Acute GVHD happens within 100 days from the transplant. The new marrow reject the body, and it causes serious problems - sometimes fatal.

After this period, if GVHD happens, this is called chronic GVHD (acute still could happen). This is usually not fatal to the patients, and is chronic symptoms that could be treated- skin rash, nail indentation, watery or dry eyes, dry mouth, etc.

Jason had acute GVHD around day 20 in GI area. He was miserable that time, but as soon as the treatment started, he started to feel better. Also, a few weeks ago, around day 80, he had bone marrow and skin biopsy. Skin biopsy came back positive for GVHD. Doctors were not too concerned about this one. We didn't even notice if his skin had any changes. His skin still looks abnormal from the chemo - dark spots and discoloration, etc. We were told to watch red rash for GVHD, but we didn't see anything red...

We felt like a time bomb could go on any time, but not any more. Ty was really excited that tomorrow is Day 100. He said " I'm so happy for Dad!"... me too.

Jason will be discharged from transplant clinic at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) next week, and be with a post transplant oncologist at SCCA. During one of the last clinic visits, I said to a nurse " I thought the 100 days would be really hard and long, but it came easier and faster than I thought". The nurse said "Jason is one of the VERY lucky guys that didn't have to go through too much. You should be grateful".

We are grateful. Jason is feeling great. He says he has not felt this good since he got diagnosed with CML 2 1/2 years ago. Still long way to a full recovery, but he is definitely keeping his Rock Star status.

Thanks for your kind words, help and prayers.



  1. Jason & Mayumi we are so happy for you all. Congratulation on your milestone. We think about you often and you are in our prayers. You are such a great example with your positive attitudes. We love you!
    Dennis & Lynette Butler

  2. Can't believe it has already been 100 days! Congrats! It is wonderful to see how great things have gone and to know that Jason and all of you have been so blessed and protected during this time. I pray that things continue to go well for all of you!
