Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Here is the definition of GVHD from Wikipedia:
"Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a common complication after a stem cell transplant or bone marrow transplant from another person (an allogeneic transplant). Immune cells (white blood cells) in the donated marrow or stem cells (the graft) recognize the recipient (the host) as "foreign". The transplanted immune cells then attack the host's body cells."

After a week + few days of miserable times, Dr.S. (transplant doctor) & Dr. M. (GI doctor)decided that Jason's symptoms (loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, etc) were caused by mild case of GVHD in stomach area.

Last Friday (11/4), he started on steroid by IV shot to treat GVHD. Steroid tells the new immune cells to "chill out" a little so it doesn't attack Jason's stomach. But this means Jason's immune system is even lower now.

Just like a magic, all of the symptoms disappeared! Plus a common side affect of steroid "hyper" came along too. Luckily, after two days of IV shots, he has moved onto oral steroid which does not make him too hyper. Can you imagine my roller coaster ride with Jason?! He was so tired, sick, miserable, and all of the sudden, he was happy, energetic, hyper.

This ups and downs will continue for a while. Some people say little GVHD is OK (it means the graft is settling in the body), but if you don't treat it, it could be deadly. We are grateful that doctors took a proper action to treat it. It doesn't mean he won't get GVHD anymore. We still have to keep close eyes on any sudden changes in him.

Another good news is his blood counts are doing well, and we are now schedule to go the clinic only twice a week!

Thanks for your supports & prayers.



  1. Jason, hang in there. You are a inspiration

  2. Jason and Myumi. We're still pulling for you here. It all looks so huge and amazing. Hoping things settle down and Jason is able to eat and rest a little better. Thank you for sharing this experience with us. It reminds us how precious life it, how beautiful families can be, and how much we love you. Wish I could have been one of those helpers from home. Em and Dave
