Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just a cold or NOT just a cold...

The Lazymaneosis turned out to be a cold-shame on me for giving him a wrong diagnose! Tommy started to have a runny nose, and we thought he got it from Jason. So, we didn't do much about it. A few days later, I started have a runny nose...thinking it was not from Jason's cold! By then, Jason's cough got really REALLY bad. Tommy and I got over the cough in a few days, but Jason dragged his for a while.

He just doesn't have enough immune system to fight over a common cold. In fact, he still has the same Rhino virus since October!

Many people ask us when he can be back to normal (go back to work, eat normal foods, be in a crowd, etc) since he passed the big Day 100. The answer is still not for a while. His blood count is normal for BMT patient, but NOT normal compare to me-healthy person.

When we go to our weekly clinic, the nurse gives us blood work summary. To be honest with you, I can't understand more than half of what it means. I asked PA Pam how to read these codes and numbers. She gave me little more detailed papers, and told me to study for the next appointment - she is going to quiz me!

I'm hoping one of these days, I will post his blood counts from the time of transplant to the recent blood work. I know some of them are dramatic (from 0 to thousands).

His cough is slowly going away. He started sleep little better. His hair is not growing yet, but his mustache is trying to come back and they are gray!

Thanks for your comments. I love hearing from you...kind words and "update your damn blog!".


1 comment:

  1. Hi guys! This is Heather. I just wanted to let you know that my sister and I are up to 8 miles! We are going strong! But more importantly....we made our fundraising goal!!! In fact, we surpassed it!!! We are going to beat this!!! Running in honor of Jason has surely added some inspiration to each of our runs. So, tell Jason to quit being LAZY!!! If I can run 8 miles, he can get up!!! XOXOXOXOX from the streets of Utah!
