Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Going to the Doctor

Visiting the Doctor for me is like having to visit that one family member you really don’t care for ,but know you have to see them at least once a year. I only go to the Doctor if I’m bleeding or my wife tells me to. So you can imagine my wife’s surprise the day I told her that I was going to see the doctor. I wasn’t bleeding and she hadn’t told me to go, so something serious had to be wrong. I told her that I was having a little pain in my side and I thought I better go get it looked at. She was concerned and thought it was a good idea to get it checked out. I called my family doctor, Dr. Eberhard, and he couldn’t see me until Thursday. Well, today was Monday and I just couldn’t stand another night with the pain in my side. So, I decided to go to an Insta-care. Not a huge fan of the Insta-car, but I like the idea of going in without an appointment and seeing someone the same day. So, they took me in the room and after about 15 min, the Dr. came out. Young guy, maybe late 20’s, but seem to know what he was doing and he was very professional. I told him of the pain I has having and after poking around ( which hurt so bad I almost cried….ok, I did cry) He thought that the pain I was experiencing was from and enlarged spleen. He then asked me if I was tired a lot, I said, “why yes, now that you mentioned, I am tired a lot”. He then said, “I think you have Mononucleosis” (Mono). I then asked him “ don’t I have to kiss a lot of women to get that? I’m married, I only kissed my wife..” Not knowing if I was kidding or serious, he went on to explain that you can get Mono a lot of different ways and he wanted to do a finger prick to find out for sure. So sure enough, he pricked my finger and the result came back positive. He then went on and gave me some info about Mono, told me to sleep a lot, and that if that pain in my side didn’t go away or get any better to go see my regular Doctor. Well, by Thursday the pain was worse, it hurt to walk. Luckily, I never canceled the appointment I had with my Doctor and decided to go. The first thing he said to me when I walked into the door was that there was no way I had Mono, I was too old. I also had no other signed other than the enlarge spleen. At that point I could tell he was getting a little worried. It was toward the end of the day and he was ordering his nurses around to make sure they drew my blood before the pickup person from the lab got there. At one point I remember asking him what he thought was wrong and he said I’m not sure, I just want to rule out or confirm Mono. He took some blood and said, “I will try and get back to you either tonight or tomorrow and let you know what we are fighting. ” So, I went on my way not really aware or prepared for what was about to happen.

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