Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Second Sign

About a week after I found out I had superficial blood clots in my leg I started to notice a couple of other things that were just not right.

The first thing was I was still losing weight. I know, I know, you’re thinking “this is bad because…” well, it was bad because I wasn’t trying. I had loss 12lbs in less than 3 weeks, with no effort what so ever. Now, I’m a big guy and big guys can lose weight fast, but you at least have to put in some effort. Like stop eating that fifth meal at the end of the day. Or stop eating the bag of cheetos just before dinner. Or my favorite, eating a bowl, or two, of cereal before I go to bed. All of this I was doing.

The second thing was that the night sweats were getting worse. They got to a point that I would wake up in the middle of the night and change the towel I had put over my pillow because it was so wet that it felt like I had just gotten out of the shower. At one point I had put the two together and thought maybe this is why I’m losing so much weight, without the thought of why I was having the night sweats. (again, I went to Hillcrest High School, I’m not very bright.)

The third thing was that I was always tired. I just thought I was being lazy, not running or eating right. But I would get home from work and feel like I had just run 10 miles. The days that I got to take a nap, I would sleep for 3-4 hours and still be able to sleep at night. This was not normal.

The fourth and final thing was the one that really got me to think that something was wrong. I started to have a strange pain in my left side. Kind of like when you run for the first time in a long time and your gut feels like it’s going to explode. At first I thought it was, again, not eating right, not running, stress at work. At first it was a mild pain, only hurt if I would touch it or bend the wrong way. But after a while, it would hurt to breath. I got the hick ups one day, and I thought I was going to die. I finally knew after a couple of weeks I had to do something about this, I couldn’t pretend that nothing was wrong any longer.

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