Thursday, November 17, 2011

Do you feel punky?

I don't even know how to spell "punky". This new word "punky" has been a key word for us for the last few weeks.

Jason has been feeling great since he started the GVHD treatment with steroid and other medications. He started to eat normal, I don't have to force him to eat any more. He has been going for a short walk when it's not raining, he even offered to do some house chores for me (I had to think SAFE house chores for him-he still have a lot of regulation of what he can do).

So far so good. Doctors and nurses are very happy with his incredible progress, and even cut back on clinic visits (we only see doctors once a week, still have to go for blood drawn twice a week). But they always tell us "If you feel punky, call us ASAP". What is the symptoms of "punky"? Is it even a medical term? Does "hyper" cause "punky" from steroid side effect? From sound of it, some images of punk rock concerts came to my mind ..."punk", "funky", "fun", "jumpy". But I don't think he will turn into a punk-rocker anytime soon (doctors won't be concerned about it either). Also, I was glad to know that I was not the only one who asks what punky means.

What they want us to watch is sudden bad changes-not feeling good, tired, vomiting, fever, etc... Since my new vocabulary "punky" was added in my brain, instead of "how are you feeling today?", I say "Do you feel punky?" or "Are you punky?".

He has not felt "punky" yet, but one of the steroid side effect "hyper" has been keeping him from sleeping. He will be off the steroid in a few weeks, and I hope he will start sleeping well then.

Thank you all for your prayers and comments.


1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well!!! Interesting term to use (punky)!!! How can you know how it feels when it is hardly a medical term. lol.....Love you to all
    (Kristi's cousin)
