Monday, October 17, 2011

Day 6-9 Not so good days...

He thinks he is losing it. I am sure the morphine is doing it to him. He can not comprehend what is real and what is NOT real. It's scaring and frustrating him. I hope we can find a alternative medicine for him so that his pain and his mind are well controlled. But Jason is scared to change the medication because he does not want to screw up other things.

Sorry Jas, I don't know if you want me to post things like this, but I can't just post "good" things. It has been very hard to see you like this.

The good news is his neutrophils are starting to come back - still very very low. It is a great hope for Jason that his body is getting ready to fix the damages in his body-especially in his mouth.



  1. Mayumi -
    thanks so much for posting these updates. there are so many of us who love Jason and who continue to pray for him and you and the boys. please tell him we're thinking of him and are glad (but not surprised) that he continues to fight.

  2. You can do it Jason! For all the times you and Mayumi have been there for us, we are here for you! Think of the cabin in Sun Valley and sitting in the hot tub watching the stars, next year that's all of us! And by the way, the ants are gone! Ha ha
    Be strong, have faith, we can do this!

  3. Hang in there, bud. These times suck but you will absolutely make it through and be so glad you did all this. It's a rotten time, but it will pass.
