Saturday, October 29, 2011

After the first week

It has been a week since he came home, and we (I) have been super busy.

The first few days after he came home, I was still trying to get things set up for him, learning how to take care of him (daily IV, food, meds, etc), taking Jason to SCCA daily, and try not to forget that I have two boys, and of course, up date the blog. Luckily, I had my friend from SLC(she was here for a few days), great neighbors and church members to help me. If I didn't have any of these helps, Jason would be back in the hospital, I would have checked myself in a (mental) hospital, boys would been hungry and lost.

Also, Jason's mother flew in from SLC, and she is staying with us for a while. She had not been on an airplane since 1976 (She went to Hawaii and decided she would NEVER get on another airplane ever again). But a loving mother would do anything for her sick son. Well done mother! She said it was not too bad, and she won't mind flying again. We are all glad that she is here.

I guess I should write how Jason is doing, not so much of what I'm doing! He was doing great the first couple of days after he got home. Now he is really tired, lost appetite, can't sleep, coughing, little vomiting, etc (I could keep listing all of the symptoms). He looks miserable. We increased the amount of IV fluid, changed some medicines, but it doesn't seem like helping him a lot. Maybe this is how he should be feeling-post transplant patient. The doctors are not too concern about him yet, but we are paying close attention to any changes in his body.

Blood counts must be doing well too ( I have not seen it for a week). I should not assume too many things, but these obvious blood counts shouldn't be my priority to keep eyes on, right? I have to trust doctors, nurses and my judgements to take care of Jason... I hope...

Jason will have a bone marrow biopsy on 11/04. This is interesting because his last bone marrow biopsy was on 9/15 which was Jason's birthday, and 11/04 is my birthday! I hope Jason is NOT planning a surprise party for me :)

Well, thanks for everyone who loves and cares about Jason.



  1. Great job on the blog Mayumi, is is so good to hear how Jason is doing and not be always wondering. Stay strong, it sounds like you are doing a terrific job taking care of Jason and the boys.

  2. Hi Mayumi- just checking in from Down Under. Glad Jason is doing so well. And great job to you on both the caregiving and the blogging- thanks for keeping us up to date! -Alex

  3. Hi Jason, I have already tried to send this message twice, so I am sorry if this is a repeat:P I just wanted to let you know that I think about you a lot. Every time I get a bruise I think "What if...?". I am just glad to hear that you are home and that you are dealing with things like a true ROCK STAR. And speaking of ROCK STARS, your wife sounds amazing. WOW. I just hope things continue to get better at home. I am sure your boys love having you there. Thanks for keeping all of us posted. xoxoxoxoxoxo
