Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 6: Last Day of Chemo

As expected, Cytoxan is a little more intense than Busulfan (the Oral Chemo I started last Friday) Cytoxan is very common chemotherapy and is use to help fight other types of Cancers like Hodgkins's disease, CTCL, AML CLL ALL and the one I have CML. Because of the massive use of this Chemo, they have it down to a sience on what pre-medication I need before we start the Cytoxan. 4 hours before Cytoxan is used, I start an IV of Hydration and they tell me to drink 2 litters of water (which means I'm peeing every 15 minuntes!) Also, one hour before Cytoxan they start and IV of a medicine called Mesna. This is to help protect my liver and Kindnesy. At last, they give me 2 types of nausea medication This is been working! well, so far. :)

Once the Cytoxan starts, its pretty uneventfully. Your body will tingle in some areas and burn in others, but not bad and goes away pretty quick. One big side effect I did have was burning tingling in my mouth, tongue and the inside of my nose. Pretty intense, took some meds and was completely cleared when I woke up this morning. Other then that, I slept good and ready to go for my last day of Chemo!

Thanks again for every ones love and support to me and especially my family. We love and appreciate you all!

Transplant day with be this Friday!


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